The fog is lifting!

This was MJ’s 2nd week at her internship and I’m thrilled to report that it’s going well! As far as I can tell, she is doing a very good job. They have her doing beta testing and she found a lot of issues and bugs to be fixed. She created a prioritized spreadsheet for the programmer to follow. And, she told me that the programmer is actually the owner and that she sat with him as they worked through the list to fix each item. The liaison from Pathways tells me MJ has been very thorough and that’s exactly what they need from her.

MJ even talked about helping connect the sales people to potential prospects. She seems genuinely happy to go to work and be a team player. One day I called her cell phone when I arrived to pick her up. She was surprised I was there already. She said, “Is it time to leave? But we’re on a roll here!” LOL, that’s a good sign! At first she didn’t understand that this was an 8-12 week internship. She thought it was either a test to see if they would hire her longer term, or that if she did a great job, they’d want to keep her. Now that she gets that it might just be 8-12 weeks, I think she’s working hard to prove herself invaluable. Pretty cool, huh?

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